Alesman is our free magazine. It contains articles on real ale, pub and brewery news, reader‘s letters and a prize crossword. After a break for COVID it will reappear in full colour in March, July and November each year and can be found in many real ale outlets in and around our branch area and some in neighbouring areas. Contributions are always welcomed by the editor.
Subscriptions: We also offer a postal subscription. You can subscribe to Alesman for £7.50 (UK only) for six editions (price correct for March 2022 subscriptions). Please make cheques or postal orders payable to ‘Keighley and Craven CAMRA’ and send your request to:
Alesman Subscriptions
c/o Fred Baker
170 Long Lee Terrace
West Yorkshire BD21 4TU.
Interested in advertising in Alesman? 3000 copies of each edition are distributed to readers throughout the Keighley and Craven area. Rates are very reasonable and are as follows (rates from March 2022 issue):
- Size
- Width x Height
- One Issue
- One Year
- Loyalty Renewal
- 1/6 page
- 61x59mm
- £ 32.00
- £ 91.20
- £ 86.40
- 1/4 page
- 61x91mm or 128x43mm
- £ 50.00
- £142.50
- £135.00
- 1/3 page
- 61x123mm or 128x59mm
- £ 62.00
- £176.70
- £167.40
- 1/2 page
- 61x188mm or 128x91mm
- £ 95.00
- £270.75
- £256.50
- Full page
- 128x188mm
- £180.00
- £513.00
- £486.00
• The widths and heights allow for a white margin around each advert.
• The one year price is 5% cheaper than paying for one issue at a time.
• The loyalty renewal, to follow on from the previous year, is 10% cheaper than paying for one issue at a time.
• The cost of production is supported by our Skipton Beer Festival.